Project Description
Many older types of aircraft are in service for which no CAD files exist. Scansite 3D specializes in 3D scanning and CAD creation to generate legacy CAD files that will import seamlessly into your CAD software. The Warthog was first commissioned in 1972. The service life has now been extended to 2028.
Output can be a polygon mesh (usually .stl format) for export to 3-D printing or CNC milling, or Scansite 3D can construct parametric NURBS models in iges or STEP format for export of parametric models to a number of major CAD packages: CATIA®, Autodesk® Inventor®, Alias®, Siemens NX®, CREO® Elements/Pro™ (Pro/ENGINEER™), SolidWorks®, SolidEdge®, and Rhino®
Tools: Geomagic DesignX® software, GOM/ATOS 3D scanner
Image at right: Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II (“Warthog”)

Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II (“Warthog”)

Window trim assembly being scanned with GOM/ATOS 3D scanner.

Left: 3D scan data from ATOS scanner in polygon mesh format (.stl).
Right: 3D scan data has been converted to CAD format using Geomagic DesignX software.